This year presents a unique set of circumstances for the holiday season. Some families may not be able to convene in person as usual, due to codes, and borders. While that situation isn’t ideal, there are ways we can use technology to enjoy the holidays with our family as best we can, given the circumstances. Here’s what we suggest.
Zoom Meetings have become part of the modern lexicon quickly given how many of them we all seem to have on a weekly basis. Take advantage of that technology to spend virtual time with family. Does your Mom have the best stuffing recipe? Using Zoom, or Google Hangouts, or Skype, you can meet virtually and have her show you how to make it!
We all have that one cousin who plays all the instruments and can sing like an angel. The holidays now present a fantastic opportunity for them to lead the whole family in Christmas Carols from their home to yours. Set up a date and time and get ready for the magic.
Does your family love to watch movies together? With the Teleparty app installed, you can all watch from wherever you are! With a built-in chatbox, you can share all those inside jokes you have from your family-favourite holiday flicks!
By setting up a camera and computer in the dining room, the whole family can get together “around the table” this holiday season. It’s definitely not the same as years before, but the time we spend together, whether in real life or virtually, is what makes the holidays special.